
Update Glassfish Eclipselink Version to 2.5.1

Glassfish ships with EclipseLink 2.3.2 as JPA Provider. To update the bundled version to a newer (2.5.1 in this case) do the following:

1) Download the new EclipseLink OSGi Bundles from the EclipeLink download site and unzip the archive to a folder on your disk.

2) Make a backup of your current Glassfish modules folder. Assuming you have installed Glassfish in C:\glassfish- the modules folder is C:\glassfish-\glassfish\modules.

3) Delete all JAR files in your current Glassfish modules folder beginning with org.eclipse.persistance.* and the JAR file javax.persistence.jar.

 4) From the downloaded OSGi bundles archive copy all JAR files beginning with org.eclipse.persistance.* but not the source files (containing source in their name) to your Glassfish modules folder. And copy the JAR file beginning with javax.persistance.* to your Glassfish modules folder, too.
5) Clear the contents of the OSGi cache for each domain from the domains osgi-cache folder. Assuming you have installed Glassfish in C:\glassfish- the domains OSGi cache folder for domain1 is C:\glassfish-\glassfish\domains\domain1\osgi-cache.

You can simply delete the whole osgi-cache folder. It will be recreated during next startup of the domain.

You can now start your Glassfish server with updated EclipseLink modules.